Centralised Logging Agent – Key does not exist

I hope everyone is well and enjoying their Skype for Business experiences, today’s post is more of a quick tip as opposed to in depth troubleshooting.

The fix will help you with you when troubleshooting at the component level though!

So a colleague of mine was having issues with Unified Messaging integration (which turned out to be a quick fix with OCSUMUTIL.exe), during the troubleshooting process I suggest he used the CLS logging tool.

Since working with the same colleague I have been inspired to use PowerShell a lot more, for those that prefer the GUI – Microsoft have released a graphic version of the invaluable tool. When attempting to run the Start-CsClsLogging command we were presented with the following error;

(Apologies for the whitespace, server and pool names have been mitigated)

The reason this error is produced is due to the lack of permissions granted when running the command with an account that does not have access to the system registry.

So long story short, in summary, to get around this simply run your management shell with administrative privileges đŸ™‚

Have you found any issues that you have been having trouble with, let me know?!

Hope this helps!

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